Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Technology and marketing to turn 'start-ups' into global business ...

Rodrigo Teijeiro has been passionate about impossible challenges and entrepreneurship since he was a teenager. At the young age of 19, and competing with over 600 teams, he won the Hewlett Packard Global Business Challenge, a competition that tests the management ability and business skills of young people all over the world.

This was the beginning of a successful business career, and his motivation to help others to become entrepreneurs. And this is how Fnbox was born, ?an American technology company focused on building global and scalable Internet businesses? explains Teijeiro.

The young TR35 winner founded Fnbox about a decade ago. Although today Fnbox has offices in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and the US, it didn?t receive its first round of financing until May 2008 when, despite of already being profitable, he decided to expand his businesses and to seek funding. He managed to recieve six million dollars from investors like Martin Varsavsky, Alec Osenford, Frabice Grinda or DN Capital, the venture capital firm for digital media business.

One of Fnbox?s first ventures, and an example of its success in accelerating and scaling of start-ups, was Cloncom.com (and it?s Spanish Version Tarjetastelefonicas.com). This telecommunications company grew from being a small project -motivated by Teijeiro?s need to communicate with his girlfriend in Buenos Aires when he was living in California (USA)-, into a global company that offers more than 150 products and that, according to his calculations, has a gross profit margin of 46 percent.

Teijeiro, along with his brother and partner, developed a fraud detection and control system with user monitoring and rating. Today, the company develops its own technology ?prepaid, wireless and rechargeable phone cards, and PC to phone services- and does its own marketing, skipping the middle-man. The company is based in California but also has offices in several Latin American countries. Since 2002, it has sold over 1,000 million minutes of VoIP and has about 200,000 active customers in 150 countries.

But this has not been Teijeiro?s only succes during his 10 years as head of Fnbox. He has created other systems such as a friends birthday and holiday calendar, Cumplealerta.com, and a service to send free animated e-cards Tupostal.com. These initiatives were later integrated into Sonico, another major project supported by FnBox?s technology and experience in marketing and business development.

In 2007, Teijeiro founded the Sonico social network as an alternative to MySpace and Facebook in Latin America. It was an innovative initiative because the profiles were established to meet user?s needs, who have grown to over 53 million. ?Sonico improves the way people, organizations, and brands interact, making it fun and efficient and ensuring the control of their privacy?, explains Teijeiro.

Fnbox?s different businesses -designed and led by Teijeiro- support each other, and follow the same idea: improve communication between people through technology and Internet. His latest creations, a local site for mobile battery recharging, Recarga.com, and an e-commerce accelerator, Datam.com, have shown once again, his ability to attract customers and involve them efficiently in the qualification and acquisition of products according to their interest.

Furthermore, Teijeiro?s company is taking advantadge of it?s strong presence in Latin America, to reach less accessible markets like Brazil, where his latest acquisition -an online ticket discount webpage, Cup?nica.com-?has recently been extended to, as well as Mexico.

According to Constanza Nieto, Globaltech Bridge CEO, member of the jury of the TR35 Argentina and Uruguay Awards, Teijeiro is a serial entrepreneur who ?has managed to successfully bring many ideas to market?. Nieto highlights the fact that ?millions of people use his advanced technologies to benefit large communities throughout Latin American? and that ?he competes in global markets with the worlds best entrepreneurs?.

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Source: http://www.opinno.com/technology-and-marketing-to-turn-start-ups-into-global-business14637/

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