??A Message From Lucianne??
At fundraiser in Israel, Romney describes spiritual impact of visit Washington Post, by?Philip Rucker |
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Posted By:JoniTx, 7/30/2012 6:18:29 AM |
JERUSALEM ? Mitt Romney held an intimate breakfast fundraiser here Monday with some of his campaign?s biggest benefactors, telling them about the spiritual impact his trip to Israel had had on him. Seated around a U-shaped conference table with roughly 40 donors, with Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson immediately to his left, Romney said he was ?overwhelmingly impressed with the hand of providence.? ?I come to this place, therefore, with a sense of profound humility, as I look around here at great people who?ve accomplished a great thing, and also a sense of spiritual connection, acknowledging
Reply 1 - Posted by:
globalwarmer, 7/30/2012 6:30:53 AM?????(No. 8748211)
A "burning in the bosom" perhaps?
Reply 2 - Posted by:
fireman28, 7/30/2012 6:57:38 AM?????(No. 8748252)
Good read. The haters are out in full force in the comments. WaPo, what would you excpect. Wonder if the LSM will show the trip this am.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
fireman28, 7/30/2012 7:07:11 AM?????(No. 8748272)
Good Morning America. All news about the Olympics and MOO hugging the wrestlers. Yeap, MOO did it; you didn't.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
Lawsy0, 7/30/2012 8:19:20 AM?????(No. 8748385)
By the evening news cycle, some doof will have brought up the UnderArmor reference to Stephen Plank. Oy. New Romney supporters, don't go all wobbly on us.
Below, you will find ...Most Recent Articles posted by "JoniTx" and Most Active Articles (last 24 hours)
Most Recent Articles posted by "JoniTx"
Liz Cheney Disagrees With Father On Palin, Calls Her ?More Qualified Than Obama And Biden?
Mediaite, by Josh Feldman???
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Posted By: JoniTx- 7/30/2012 6:54:13 AM ???
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ABC News aired part of an exclusive interview with former Vice President Dick Cheney this morning, in which Cheney admitted that the choice of Sarah Palin for vice president in 2008 was a ?mistake.? Liz Cheney took to Twitter to voice her disagreement with her father and her overwhelming support for Palin. Cheney has been very supportive of Palin since her 2008 nomination, and tweeted her dissent with her father earlier today, arguing that Palin is more qualified than the current president and vice president. Liz Cheney? @Liz_Cheney -Rarely do I disagree with best VP ever but
The Hill Poll: Voters say Romney, Obama equal on issues of character
The Hill [Washington DC], by Sheldon Alberts???
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Posted By: JoniTx- 7/30/2012 6:48:48 AM ???
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Mitt Romney holds thin advantages over President Obama on leadership, personal values and honesty, according to a new poll for The Hill. The poll, conducted for The Hill by Pulse Opinion Research, suggests voters see little difference between the candidates on character issues that Democrats have cited as key to Obama?s appeal. It found 48 percent of voters consider Romney the stronger leader, compared to 44 percent who favored Obama. Similarly, 47 percent of likely voters also said Romney most shares their values while 44 percent picked Obama. When asked which candidate voters considered more honest and trustworthy,
The Liberal Media's Shiny Object Factory
American Thinker, by Bruce Johnson???
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Posted By: JoniTx- 7/30/2012 6:24:23 AM ???
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Misquoting makes it easy. Taking an innocuous statement by Romney about the coming confirmation of the British people's embrace of the Olympics, mentioning some variables and unkowns, then extrapolating to a foreboding of Mitt's foreign policy ineptness could win the long jump. It is a gaffe of major proportions, they say. How could he say such a thing? Typical of the liberal coverage is the summarizing of the outrageous gaffe.....but failing to provide the actual quote. The New York Times did just that. There are many other examples of excoriating the Romney's comments,
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At fundraiser in Israel, Romney describes spiritual impact of visit
Washington Post, by Philip Rucker???
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Posted By: JoniTx- 7/30/2012 6:18:29 AM ???
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JERUSALEM ? Mitt Romney held an intimate breakfast fundraiser here Monday with some of his campaign?s biggest benefactors, telling them about the spiritual impact his trip to Israel had had on him. Seated around a U-shaped conference table with roughly 40 donors, with Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson immediately to his left, Romney said he was ?overwhelmingly impressed with the hand of providence.? ?I come to this place, therefore, with a sense of profound humility, as I look around here at great people who?ve accomplished a great thing, and also a sense of spiritual connection, acknowledging
DHS gears up for civil unrest prior to presidential elections
Reuters, by Frank Polich???
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Posted By: JoniTx- 7/29/2012 11:24:18 PM ???
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The Department of Homeland Security has ordered masses of riot gear equipment to prepare for potential significant domestic riots at the Republican National Convention, Democratic National Convention and next year?s presidential inauguration. The DHS submitted a rushed solicitation to the Federal Business Opportunities site on Wednesday, which is a portal for Federal government procurement requisitions over $25,000. The request gave the potential suppliers only one day to submit their proposals and a 15-day delivery requirement to Alexandria, Virginia. As the brief explains, ?the objective of this effort is to procure riot gear to prepare for the 2012
Side effects may include Kennedyism
Boston Herald, by Howie Carr???
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Posted By: JoniTx- 7/29/2012 6:57:46 PM ???
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Hey Kennedys, it?s time you got back to your roots. Start drinking heavily. Forget these prescription meds, especially Ambien. Now it turns out Kerry Kennedy did not suffer any ?complex partial seizure? when she hit the truck in upstate New York. She was on Ambien, as she first admitted, before lawyering up. Remember how she was found slumped over the wheel of her Lexus after rear-ending a truck, ?unable to walk, talk or see straight.? The official charge was DWK ? Driving While Kennedy. Now we read a quote from Caroline Kennedy
The Dreamy Team! Michelle Obama gets touchy-feely with Kobe Bryant and men's basketball team after rout of France
Daily Mail (UK), by Staff???
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Posted By: JoniTx- 7/29/2012 6:40:21 PM ???
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First Lady Michelle Obama was on hand in London today, cheering on the U.S. from the sidelines as the nation's Dream Team defeated France 98-71 in the preliminary rounds of the Olympic Games. The French team came off worse for wear throughout the game, making only 1 of 11 3-pointers and missed seven free throws, allowing the U.S. to take a 52-36 halftime lead. Mrs Obama hugged the players as they left the court victorious, taking time to congratulate each one with a personal embrace. LeBron James lead the charge toward the FLOTUS, planting a peck
Most Active Articles (last 24 hours)
Dick Cheney: Picking Sarah Palin for VP Was ?A Mistake?
ABC News, by Jonathan Karl???
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Posted By: JoniTx- 7/29/2012 9:41:00 AM ???
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Dick Cheney has some advice for Mitt Romney on choosing a running mate: Don?t pick another Sarah Palin. In his first interview since receiving a heart transplant in March, Cheney told ABC News, that John McCain?s decision to pick Palin as his running mate in 2008 was ?a mistake? ? one that it is important from Romney not to repeat. It?s subject on which Cheney has some unique experience. He helped Presidents Gerald Ford and George W. Bush lead their vice presidential searches and, of course, served as vice president for eight years.
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Is Algebra Necessary?
New York Times, by Andrew Hacker???
Original Article
Posted By: afortiori- 7/29/2012 11:18:10 AM ???
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A typical American school day finds some six million high school students and two million college freshmen struggling with algebra. In both high school and college, all too many students are expected to fail. Why do we subject American students to this ordeal? I?ve found myself moving toward the strong view that we shouldn?t. My question extends beyond algebra and applies more broadly to the usual mathematics sequence, from geometry through calculus. State regents and legislators ? and much of the public ? take it as self-evident that every young person should be made to master polynomial functions
Woah: Elizabeth Warren Could Deliver Keynote Address at DNC
Townhall, by Daniel Doherty???
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Posted By: Photoonist- 7/29/2012 2:46:36 PM ???
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Well, according to the Boston Globe, that's the latest rumor. The crowds at political conventions feast on partisan red meat, and they could end up with a bellyful when the Republicans and Democrats meet back to back beginning late next month. An Obama campaign official confirmed to the Globe Wednesday that US Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren is ?being considered as a possible keynote speaker (Snip) Warren, not unexpectedly, is staying mum on the subject, refusing to say publicly whether or not she?s being considered for the prestigious speaking engagement.
Book: Obama canceled Bin Laden ?kill? raid three times at Jarrett?s urging
Daily Caller, by David Martosko???
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Posted By: Photoonist- 7/29/2012 11:29:41 PM ???
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At the urging of Valerie Jarrett, President Barack Obama canceled the operation to kill Osama bin Laden on three separate occasions before finally approving the May 2, 2011 Navy SEAL mission, according to an explosive new book scheduled for release August 21. The Daily Caller has seen a portion of the chapter in which the stunning revelation appears. In ?Leading From Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide for Him,? Richard Miniter writes that Obama canceled the ?kill? mission in January 2011, again in February, and a third time in March. Obama?s close adviser Valerie Jarrett persuaded him
O?Reilly Is O?Really in Left Field on the Guns and Ammo Issue
Townhall, by Doug Giles???
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Posted By: lcl4- 7/29/2012 5:26:44 PM ???
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?This year will go down in history. For the first time a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient and the world will follow our lead into the future.? ?Adolf Hitler, 1935 When I shout at the TV it?s usually because of one of these three reasons: 1. Noticing that Bob Beckel has just dyed his hair a shade of ginger that Carrot Top would eschew. What shade is that, man? Clairol?s ?Rusted Barn Pipe? especially blended for the sassy progressive?
Newsweek Goes There
PJ Media, by Rick Moran???
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Posted By: KarenJ1- 7/29/2012 7:16:37 PM ???
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I thought these desperation tactics would have waited until later in the campaign. Instead, Newsweek chose this week to unveil a new line of attack on Mitt Romney. The cover features a picture of Romney with the caption: ?Romney: The Wimp Factor.? Romney shrugged it off: Mitt Romney says that if he worried about what reporters thought of him, he wouldn?t get much sleep. He says he?s sleeping just fine. The U.S. presidential candidate tells CBS? ?Face the Nation? that he isn?t sweating the upcoming Newsweek magazine cover that leads with ?Romney: The Wimp Factor.? He says the
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Unfortunate 11-year-old girl ridiculed for 'worst National Anthem ever' at MLS game
Daily Mail (UK), by Staff???
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Posted By: JoniTx- 7/29/2012 10:26:07 AM ???
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Singing in front of a stadium of more than 22,000 people is many people?s worst nightmare so credit to 11-year-old Harper Gruzins who did just that last night. However, Harper?s rendition of The Star Spangled Banner at the Dallas-Los Angeles MLS match quickly turned into the audience?s worst nightmare, according to harsh reviews from Deadspin, who blasted it as ?the worst National Anthem rendition ever.? Describing it as ?even worse? than Steven Tyler?s rendition of The Star Spangled Banner in January, the site writes: ?This nearly three minute long rendition really is so bad it must be heard to
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Source: http://www.lucianne.com/thread/?artnum=693105
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